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GNSS Sensor

GNSS senor is a component which simulates the position of vehicle computed by the Global Navigation Satellite System. The GNSS sensor outputs the position in the MGRS coordinate system.


The component prefab can be found under the following path: Assets\AWSIM\Prefabs\Sensors\GnssSensor.prefab


All the most important scripts can be found under the `Assets\AWSIM\Prefabs\Sensors\Gnss\* path.

The table below describes features contained in each provided script:

script feature
GnssSensor.cs Core GNSS sensor. Publishes pose and poseWithCovarianceStamped in MGRS coordinate system. Requires MgrsReference of the Environment for the output data conversion.
GnssRos2Publisher.cs Converts the data output from GnssSensor to ROS2 message and publishes it.

Output Data

The following table describes GnssSensor.OutputData properties:

field type feature
MgrsPosition Vector3 Position in the MGRS coordinate system.

Published Topics

The data output is published to the following topics:

topic msg frame_id hz QoS
/sensing/gnss/pose geometry_msgs/Pose gnss_link 1 Reliable, Volatile, Keep last/1
/sensing/gnss/pose_with_covariance geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped gnss_link 1 Reliable, Volatile, Keep last/1