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IMU Sensor

The document describes inertial measurement unit sensor simulation component.


Path : Assets\AWSIM\Prefabs\Sensors\IMUSensor.prefab


All the most important scripts can be found under the Assets\AWSIM\Scripts\Sensors\Imu\*

The table below describes features contained in each provided script:

script feature
ImuSensor.cs Core Inertial Measurement Unit Sensor.
Measures the Acceleration(m/s^2) and AngularVelocity(rad/s) based on the Transform of the GameObject to which this component is attached to.
ImuRos2Publisher.cs Converts the data output from ImuSensor-specific struct to ROS2 message and publishes it.

Output Data

The following table describes ImuSensor.OutputData properties:

field type feature
LinearAcceleration Vector3 Measured acceleration (m/s^2)
AungularVelocity Vector3 Measured angular velocity (rad/s)

Published Topics

The data output is published to the following topics:

topic msg frame_id hz QoS
/sensing/imu/tamagawa/imu_raw sensor_msgs/Imu tamagawa/imu_link 30 Reliable, Volatile, Keep last/1000