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Lidar Sensor

AWSIM uses Robotec GPU Lidar, which is a cross-platform (Windows and Linux), RTX-accelerated, CUDA/C++ library developed by Robotec.AI. For more information about RGL library, visit its repository.

AWSIM is integrated with RGL out-of-the-box - using RGLUnityPlugin Asset.

ROS2 configuration

The following sections describe RGL configuration in AWSIM.

Published Topics

The table below shows topics published by RglLidarPublisher script.

topic msg frame_id hz QoS
/lidar/pointcloud sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 world 10 Best effort, Volatile, Keep last/5
/lidar/pointcloud_ex sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 world 10 Best effort, Volatile, Keep last/5
/lidar/instance_id sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 world 10 Best effort, Volatile, Keep last/5

Output Data

The following table describes LidarSensor.OutputData struct used in Unity:

field type feature
hitCount int Number of rays that hit any object
hits Vector3 [ ] Vertices for visualization in Unity's coordinate system
rosPCL24 byte [ ] Vertices for publishing Autoware format pointcloud in ROS coordinate system
rosPCL48 byte [ ] Vertices for publishing extended Autoware format pointcloud in ROS coordinate system

Minimal scene example

The scene Assets/AWSIM/Scenes/Samples/LidarSceneDevelop.unity can be used as a complete, minimalistic example of how to set up RGL. It contains RGLSceneManager component, four lidars, and an environment composed of floor and walls.


Each scene needs RGLSceneManager component to synchronize models between Unity and RGL. On every frame, it detects changes in Unity's scene and propagates the changes to native RGL code. Three different strategies to interact with in-simulation 3D models are implemented. RGLSceneManager uses executes one of the following policies to obtain raycast hit:

  • Only Colliders - active colliders only,
  • Regular Meshes And Colliders Instead Of Skinned - mesh for non-skinned MeshRenderers or set of colliders (if provided) attached to the rootBone and below for SkinnedMeshRenderers,
  • RegularMeshesAndSkinnedMeshes - mesh for both MeshRenderer and SkinnedMeshRenderer.

Mesh source can be changed in the Scene Manager (Script) properties:

Note: RGLSceneManager performance depends on the mesh source option selected.

Setup instruction

To configure RGL for new scenes, please:

  1. Create an empty object (name it RGLSceneManager).
  2. Attach script SceneManager.cs to the RGLSceneManager object.

Lidar models

Lidar prefabs typically consist of three scripts:

  • LidarSensor - provides lidar configuration and performs native RGL raytrace calls
  • PointCloudVisualization - visualizes point cloud collected by the sensor
  • RglLidarPublisher - converts the data output from LidarSensor to ROS2 msg and publishes it

To use one of the prepared prefab lidars, drag the prefab file and drop it into a scene:

A lidar GameObject should be instantiated automatically:

Next, you can modify scripts parameters in Unity Inspector:

In LidarSensor script, the following configuration can be changed:

  • Automatic Capture Hz - the rate of sensor processing
  • Model Preset - allows selecting one of the built-in LiDAR models
  • Apply Gaussian Noise - enable/disable Gaussian noise
  • Configuration - advanced lidar configuration (in most cases no need to change)
    • Laser Array - geometry description of lidar array
    • Horizontal Steps - the number of laser array firings between Min H Angle and Max H Angle
    • Min H Angle - minimum horizontal angle (left)
    • Max H Angle - maximum horizontal angle (right)
    • Max Range - maximum range of the sensor
    • Noise Params - lidar noise paramteres

In the script Point Cloud Visualization the material of points can be changed. If material is None then PointCloudMaterial from Assets/RGLUnityPlugin/Resources will be automatically loaded. You can disable visualization by deactivating the component.

PointCloud Visualization` Preview:

In the last script - RglLidarPublisher - ROS properties such as topics names, frame IDs, publish activation or QoS settings can be modified:

Adding new lidar models

To add a new lidar model, perform the following steps:

  1. Add its name to the LidarModels.cs
  2. If the Lidar has a non-uniform laser array construction (e.g. different linear/angular spacing between lasers), add an entry to the LaserArrayLibrary. Keep in mind that Unity has a left-handed coordinate system, while most of the lidar's manuals use a right-handed coordinate system. In that case, reverse sign of the values of the angles.
  3. Add an entry to LidarConfigurationLibrary. Use the provided laser array or generate a uniform one using static method LaserArray.Uniform().
  4. Done. New lidar preset should be available via Unity Inspector.

Creating Lidar GameObject

To create GameObject (or prefab) containing a lidar sensor, please perform the following steps:

  1. Create an empty object
  2. Attach script LidarSensor.cs.
  3. PointCloudVisualization.cs will be added automatically, however, you can disable it.
  4. Now you can add a callback from another script to receive a notification when data is ready:
    lidarSensor = GetComponent<LidarSensor>();
    lidarSensor.OnOutputData += HandleLidarDataMethod;
  5. For publishing point cloud via ROS2 attach script RglLidarPublisher.cs


The list of available prefabs can be found below.

LiDAR Path
HESAI Pandar40P Assets/AWSIM/Prefabs/Sensors/RobotecGPULidars/HesaiPandar40P.prefab
HESAI PandarQT64 Assets/AWSIM/Prefabs/Sensors/RobotecGPULidars/HesaiPandarQT64.prefab
Ouster OS1-64 Assets/AWSIM/Prefabs/Sensors/RobotecGPULidars/OusterOS1-64.prefab
Velodyne VLP-16 Assets/AWSIM/Prefabs/Sensors/RobotecGPULidars/VelodyneVLP16.prefab
Velodyne VLC-32C Assets/AWSIM/Prefabs/Sensors/RobotecGPULidars/VelodyneVLP32C.prefab
Velodyne VLS-128-AP Assets/AWSIM/Prefabs/Sensors/RobotecGPULidars/VelodyneVLS128.prefab

Usage requirements

Objects, to be detectable by Robotec GPU lidar, must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Contain one of the components: Collider, Mesh Renderer, or Skinned Mesh Renderer. It depends on RGLSceneManager mesh source parameter.
  2. Be readable from CPU-accessible memory. It can be achieved using the “Read/Write Enabled” checkbox in mesh settings. Note: Primitive Objects are readable by default.

RGL Unity side scripts

The following table describes the most essential lidar simulation scripts:

script feature path
SceneManager.cs Synchronize the scene between Unity and RGL. Assets/RGLUnityPlugin/Scripts/SceneManager.cs
LidarSensor.cs Lidar Sensor. Provide lidar configuration and collect point cloud. Assets/RGLUnityPlugin/Scripts/LidarSensor.cs
PointCloudVisualization.cs Visualize point cloud collected by lidar. Assets/RGLUnityPlugin/Scripts/PointCloudVisualization.cs
SemanticCategory.cs Adds category ID to the game object Assets/RGLUnityPlugin/Scripts/SemanticCategory.cs
RglLidarPublisher.cs Convert the data output from LidarSensor to ROS2 msg and publish. Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/Sensors/LiDAR/RglLidarPublisher.cs
IntensityTexture.cs Adds slot for Intensity Texture ID to the game object Assets/RGLUnityPlugin/Scripts/IntensityTexture.cs

Read material information

RGL Unity Plugin allows assigning an Intensity Texture to the game objects to produce a point cloud containing information about the lidar ray intensity of hit. It can be used to distinguish different levels of an object's reflectivity.

Intensity Texture assignment

To enable reading material information, add IntenityTexture component to every game object that is expected to have non-default intensity values.

After that desired texture has to be inserted into the Intensity Texture slot.

The texture has to be in R8 format. That means 8bit in the red channel (255 possible values).

When the texture is assigned, the intensity values will be read from the texture and added to the point cloud if and only if the mesh component in the game object has a set of properly created texture coordinates.

The expected number of texture coordinates is equal to the number of vertices in the mesh. The quantity of indices is not relevant. In other cases, the texture will be no read properly.


Point cloud containing intensity is published on the ROS2 topic via RglLidarPublisher component. The intensity value is stored in the intensity field of the sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 message.

Instance segmentation

RGL Unity Plugin allows assigning an ID to game objects to produce a point cloud containing information about hit objects. It can be used for instance/semantic segmentation tasks.

ID assignment

To enable segmentation, add SemanticCategory component to every game object that is expected to have a distinct ID. All meshes that belong to a given object will inherit its ID.

Example: SemanticCategory component is assigned to the Taxi game object. All meshes in the Taxi game object will have the same instance ID as Taxi:

ID inheritance mechanism allows IDs to be overwritten for individual meshes/objects.

Example: The driver has its own SemanticCategory component, so his instance ID will differ from the rest of the meshes:

This solution also enables the creation of coarse categories (e.g., Pedestrians, Vehicles)

Example: SemanticCategory component is assigned to the Vehicles game object that contains all of the cars on the scene:


Point cloud containing hit objects IDs is published on the ROS2 topic via RglLidarPublisher component. It is disabled by default. Properties related to this feature are marked below:

Dictionary mapping

The resulting simulation data contains only the id of objects without their human-readable names. To facilitate the interpretation of such data, a function has been implemented to save a file with a dictionary mapping instance ID to game object names. It writes pairs of values in the yaml format:

  • The name of the game object
  • Category ID of SemanticCategory component

To enable saving dictionary mapping set output file path to the Semantic Category Dictionary File property in the Scene Manager component:

The dictionary mapping file will be saved at the end of the simulation.

Demo scene

In the AWSIM project, you can find a demo scene for instance segmentation feature. It contains a set of game objects with ID assigned and sample lidar that publishes output to the ROS2 topic. The game objects are grouped to present different methods to assign IDs.

To run demo scene:

  1. Open scene: Assets/AWSIM/Scenes/Samples/LidarInstanceSegmentationDemo.unity
  2. Run simulation
  3. Open rviz2
  4. Setup rviz2 as follows:
    • Fixed frame: world
    • PointCloud2 topic: lidar/instance_id
    • Topic QoS as in the sceen below
    • Channel name: enitity_id
    • To better visualization disable Autocompute intensity and set min to 0 and max to 50