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NPC Pedestrian

The NPC Pedestrian is a non-playable humanoid object and used for simulation traffic flows.

Prefab files are placed under the follow paths.

Prefab Path
humanElegant.prefab AWSIM\Assets\AWSIM\Prefabs\NPCs\Pedestrians
humanElegantTest.prefab AWSIM\Assets\AWSIM\Scenes\Samples\NPCPedestrianSample

Supported features:

  • Move inverse kinematically based on Vector3 position.
  • Rotate inverse kinematically based on Vector3 rotation.

Sample scene

The sample scene that simulates the behavior of NPC Pedestrian is placed under AWSIM\Assets\AWSIM\Scenes\Samples directory.

NPC Pedestrian control scripts

NPCPedestrian.cs script that controls the pedestrian's behavior are placed under AWSIM\Assets\AWSIM\Scripts\NPCs\Pedestrians directory.

NPC Pedestrian API

The following section describes the API of NPCPedestrian.cs script.

API type feature
SetPosition Vector3 Move the NPC pedestrian so that the reference point is at the specified coordinates.
SetRotation Vector3 Rotate the NPC pedestrian so that the orientation of the reference point becomes the specified one.